

Street Bench

The Manufacture de Saint-Étienne is a place steeped in history. Yet today, despite the restoration of the site with the Cité du Design and the media centre, it is only crossed by those people who specifically go there. Straight lines, flat, a large boulevard, verticality and horizontality: these are the words that can describe the space.

This bench will be installed in the long, empty corridors like an island lost in the ocean. Delineating areas, ‘blurring’ the line(s), the bench will help to give definition to this flat landscape. The idea is to create physical oscillations as markers in the horizontal landscape. The variations create interest for the walker, indicating to him the living spaces

Category: .



  • Steel
  • Wood


  • Laser cutting
  • Folding
  • Welding


  • Anti-corrosion primer and finishing
  • Powder paint


  • Concrete, tile, paving :
    Mounting with mechanical anchoring or chemical anchoring according to the nature of the ground.
    Or in option TF’s mounting set
  • Bitumen :
    Please consult us



  • Lenght: 2895mm
  • Width: 1165mm
  • Height: 1215 mm
  • Weight : 350 Kg

For all of your customized projects :

contact us


Michael Paquet


Michael Paquet is a student at the School of Art and Design of Saint-Etienne since 2009. Currently, his work is questioning the domestic and urban environment as a space delimited and composed by physical boundaries. He plays on this theme to create furniture that interacts with its own environment.

Michael Paquet

/ TF manufacturing

In the process of designing and manufacturing street furniture-cum-signage,
TF offers an wide scope of possibilities
– implement various materials through both traditional and ultra contemporary techniques. In the end, TF work closely with different designer, respecting their creative vision and thus contributing to the overall success of their products.

